I am on the job market. Please contact me if you are interested (email: zfl20@tsinghua.org.cn)
I am a 4th-year Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Network Science and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Haixin Duan. I was a visiting scholar at University of California, Irvine, working with Prof. Zhou Li.
My research interests include Internet Infrastructure, Network Protocol, Internet Measurement, and AI-support Software Test with five academic papers. Four of them are first-author publications. Four papers were published at top-tier venues (CCS, NDSS, IMC, and TDSC). One first-author paper won ACM CCS Distinguished Paper Award, and one first-author paper was nominated for IRTF ANRP. I am active in participating events of Internet communities. I was invited to present my research on community events including IETF, ICANN APAC DNS Forum and ICANN DNS Symposium & DNS-ORAC.
As a core member of Redbud / Bluelotus / Tea Deliverers, I won several Capture the Flag (CTF) awards, including 3rd place at DEFCON Final, championships at Digital China Innovation Contest 2021 (Cyberspace Security Track) and WCTF 2020 Campus. My main skills are Web and Misc.
I also got multiple awards, including National Scholarship, 1st-class Scholarship of Tsinghua University, and CCF Elite Collegiate Student Award. I was also selected by ICANN NextGen project.
Ph.D. Candidate
Tsinghua University, 2020 -- plan to graduate on June 2025
Visiting Scholar
University of California, Irvine, 2024
Sun Yat-Sen University, 2016 -- 2020
As the core member of Redbud, Bluelotus, Tea Deliverers, Waterdrop, some prizes I won: